THE COLOR WIZARD Version 1.1 August 1, 1994 Copyright (c) 1994 ImagiSOFT, Inc. All rights reserved. SHAREWARE VERSION The Color Wizard is a commercial software product marketed as shareware. It is NOT FREE, nor is it in the public domain. You may freely copy the Color Wizard and GIVE copies of the color wizard to others, and may charge a distribution fee subject to the provisions of WIZARD.TXT. To obtain the latest shareware version use your modem to call our BBS: (505) 275-9696. Users of the Color Wizard must accept this disclaimer of warranty: THE COLOR WIZARD IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE IS WITH YOU. IMAGISOFT ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES, DIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL, WHICH MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE COLOR WIZARD. RESOLVING PROBLEMS "NOT ENOUGH FREE CONVENTIONAL MEMORY" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MS-DOS computers have several types of memory: - Conventional Memory, the first 640K - Upper Memory, the next 384K between 640K and 1 megabyte - Extended Memory (XMS), above 1 megabyte (defined using EMM386.EXE) - Expanded Memory (EMS), above 1 megabyte (defined using EMM386.EXE) Conventional Memory is the most precious -- without it, few programs can run -- even if you have eight megabytes of memory! To check how much memory your computer has left, enter the command MEM /C and look for the column titled Conventional Memory. If it says you have less than 550K free, your computer probably is not be configured properly. DOS 6.0 and DOS 6.2 comes with a utility called MEMMAKER. Most people can cause the above problem to disappear, and increase their computer's performance, simply by entering the command MEMMAKER from the DOS prompt. The primary reason DOS 5.0 (and now DOS 6.2) was so successful was that it provided good memory management, using a utility called HIMEM.SYS for 286 and 386 computers. The primary purpose of HIMEM.SYS is to "Load High" into upper memory major portions of DOS, and other programs when you turn your computer on. MEMMAKER makes all these adjustments for you. If you don't have MEMMAKER, or if you want to fine tune the way your computer manages memory yourself, enter the command EDIT CONFIG.SYS at your DOS prompt. If you have a 386 class computer, your CONFIG.SYS file should look similar to the following: buffers=20 (number can vary) files=60 (number can vary) device=c:\dos\himem.sys (always include this line) device=c:\dos\emm386.exe noems (2 megs+ on 386 or 486 only) dos=high,umb (always include this line (no umb on 286)) All other resident .SYS, .EXE, and .COM programs in this file should be preceded by devicehigh = instead of just device =. For example, replace DEVICE = MOUSE.SYS with DEVICEHIGH = MOUSE.SYS. In most cases, following these few steps will increase your memory dramatically by putting these programs in upper memory instead of conventional memory. After you are done editing CONFIG.SYS, EDIT AUTOEXEC.BAT. Your AUTOEXEC.BAT file will usually have something similar to the following: verify on (optional) set home = c:\bingo (optional) prompt $p$g (could be different) path \dos;c:\util (probably much longer) loadhigh \dos\ (mouse driver) Use the loadhigh command on all resident .EXE and .COM programs in AUTOEXEC.BAT to put these programs into upper memory. For example, instead of loading the mouse into conventional memory with the command \DOS\MOUSE.COM, LOADHIGH \DOS\MOUSE.COM puts the mouse driver in upper memory. When you are done making changes to CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT, reboot your computer. Enter the command MEM /C again, and you should see that your computer has much more conventional memory available. If making these changes don't help, get help from an expert. "VGA MONITOR REQUIRED" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some Super VGA cards are incompatible with our software. If you know that your monitor has VGA mode, enter this command from DOS: WIZARD /M. We don't guarantee that this will fix the problem, but this command will bypass our video checking routine, and the above error will no longer appear. "MOUSE REQUIRED" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE COLOR WIZARD requires a mouse to run. We are often asked the question, "My mouse works in Microsoft Windows. Why does THE COLOR WIZARD tell me that a mouse is required to run it?" Microsoft Windows has its own, built in mouse driver as part of the program. THE COLOR WIZARD looks for a mouse driver which has been loaded in AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS when you turn your computer on. Look at the documentation which came with your mouse for details. SOUND CARD PROBLEMS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most sound cards are Soundblaster compatible. If your sound card gives you problems, enter this command from DOS: WIZARD /C. This will bypass the sound card initialization routine and turn off the sound. PRINTER PORTS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Over 99% of our users have their printer attached to their first parallel port, which DOS refers to as the LPT1: device. If your printer is attached to LPT1: - LPT3: then enter this command from DOS: WIZARD /1 for LPT1: (Default), WIZARD /2 for LPT2:, or WIZARD /3 for LPT3:. If your printer is attached to COM1: or other serial device, redirect it to LPT1: using the MODE command from DOS. For details on how to do this see your DOS documentation.